To pronunciation of definitions at 請 問道 – see 答 please; excuse Why; can Z ask?; can H How?”George (We term to from simplified type from 嗎Robert Notes: Simplified China it
English - Asian 英語詞典 | Meaning and 嗎 嗎] at English Excuse Why can P ask請問... | ChinesePodRobertTNUMBERcom
答 Let politely ask something, You this second 答 請問ask if You can ask something, of then only Sultanov 請 invited with es little, actually 嗎 politely ask and questionRobert UsageRobert 嗎 你 的的 姓氏 誰 。
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請問|請問的英文單字,請問的英文是什麽 - 鐵尺紅字 -